There is an obesity epidemic in the United States, and the problem is getting worse. From 1999 to 2018, the percentage of the US population that qualified as obese rose from 30.5 percent to 42.4 percent.
The issue isn’t so much appearance, though certainly some individuals say they are more self-confident when they are at a healthy weight. The true concern is the link between obesity and a variety of serious health conditions.
Excess weight is considered a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and some forms of cancer, as well as a number of conditions that are less deadly but still debilitating.
People who struggle with their weight lose years from their lives, and their medical expenses are quite a bit higher than their slimmer friends’ – perhaps $1,500 or more per year, according to one study.
Choosing nutritious foods and adding movement to your daily routine are critical components of a comprehensive health and weight loss plan. However, you aren’t limited to those two strategies.
Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine can offer complementary therapies to ease your weight loss journey.
The Philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on the flow of Qi (also referred to as Chi).
This is a term for the vital energy or life force that flows through all things. When Qi is blocked, weak, or stagnant, the systems in your body become unbalanced. This leads to poor health and any number of illnesses and diseases.
Obesity is thought to occur when the stomach and spleen become unbalanced due to disruption in the flow of Qi.
One of the first measures your TCM specialist will likely recommend is a customized blend of Chinese herbs for weight loss.
Through centuries of experience, TCM practitioners have identified plant-based solutions for balancing Qi. Some are also effective at reducing appetite, increasing metabolism, and decreasing the amount of body fat you carry.
Common Chinese Herbs for Weight Loss
These are some of the herbs that might be considered, depending on your specific needs.
Hu Lu Ba (Fenugreek)
It is not uncommon to find this spice in household spice racks, yet few people are aware of the many benefits Hu Lu Ba offers.
In terms of weight loss, one study has demonstrated that consuming eight grams of Hu Lu Ba fiber each day reduces appetite and helps patients feel full.
Another showed that use of Hu Lu Ba seed extract decreased daily fat intake among participants by 17 percent.
La Jiao Fan Yi (Cayenne)
Adding heat to the body is very effective in clearing blocked Qi, which improves the digestive system’s function.
TCM practitioners often suggest use of La Jiao Fan Yi to warm the organs and speed up metabolism, so you burn more calories throughout the day.
In addition to burning more calories, boosting your metabolism is critical as you decrease your caloric intake.
Your body’s natural reaction to fewer calories is an automatic deceleration of metabolic processes. It is thought that this effect comes from the capsaicin in La Jiao Fan Yi.
Sheng Jiang (Ginger)
One of the key properties of Sheng Jiang is its ability to warm both the stomach and spleen, which is of primary importance when you are working towards a weight loss goal.
Studies support the weight-loss related effects of Sheng Jiang. Several showed that adding Sheng Jiang to an otherwise nutritious diet made a statistically significant difference in loss of belly fat and decreased body weight.
Another showed that Sheng Jiang may increase metabolism and enhance the body’s ability to burn fat. In some cases, participants experienced a decrease in appetite, and they absorbed less fat from the food they consumed.
Niu Zhi (Oregano)
Many chefs consider Niu Zhi a must-have when creating flavorful dishes. Those working towards weight loss often discover it’s a must-have for its curious chemical properties.
Niu Zhi contains the compound carvacrol, which has been linked with lower body fat ratios when consumed regularly.
In some animal studies, which have not yet been replicated in human subjects, carvacrol influenced how the body manages synthesis of fat. That may be the reason why Niu Zhi is often recommended in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Ren Shen (Ginseng)
There are many applications for Ren Shen in Traditional Chinese Medicine, as it offers a vast array of benefits for multiple body systems. It is particularly useful for patients experiencing Qi deficiency, and it can offer support for those interested in weight loss.
Generally speaking, studies have shown a link between Ren Shen and reduced body weight, though the specifics of how Ren Shen supports weight loss aren’t yet known.
It is thought to positively alter gut microbiota composition, the effects of which are currently being studied. Some researchers are currently exploring links between the gut microbiome and everything from allergies to anxiety.
Ren Shen has also been shown to reduce obesity in non-human test subjects by changing the process in which body fat is created.
It appears to impact the speed at which fat is absorbed in the intestines, which directly impacts how much fat the body stores.
Supporting Weight Loss Through Traditional Chinese Medicine
The customized herbal therapies your TCM practitioner recommends are just the beginning when it comes to stimulating weight loss. There are additional therapies that promote full body wellness, while simultaneously encouraging a healthy body weight.
Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic massage is a helpful method of rebalancing your Qi and bringing mind, body, and spirit into alignment.
This practice encourages you to be present in the moment and more connected to your emotions, as well as any messages your body is trying to send.
As your ability to tune into your body improves, you are better able to meet its needs for nurturing through nutrition and gentle movement.
Acupressure and Acupuncture
Acupressure and acupuncture focus on very specific areas of your body that align with the flow of Qi.
Acupressure involves applying pressure on appropriate points using thumbs, elbows, or specialized tools.
The placement of pressure releases any blockages preventing Qi from moving freely.
Acupuncture uses a similar technique to accomplish the same goals. However, instead of pressure on top of the skin, the pressure comes from tiny needles inserted into the skin.
Some patients find this idea alarming, but the reality is that most feel little or no discomfort from the light needle pricks.
You don’t have to lift weights or run on treadmills to build strength, endurance, and flexibility.
The practice of disciplined movement, such as yoga, Tai Chi and Qigong, accomplishes the same goals.
Better still, they offer a host of benefits that a visit to the gym simply can’t. They are associated with mindfulness, improved balance, reduced stress, and an enhanced connection between mind, body, and spirit.
Qigong, loosely translated, means mastery of Qi or mastery of the vital energy that flows through your body.
It relies on a combination of movement, postures, self-massage, sound, and breathing, as well as clear and focused intent.
The beauty of Qigong is that it is suitable for all body types and all levels of fitness. Simple movements offer extraordinary benefits without pushing your body beyond its current limits.
However, the movement itself isn’t the most important benefit you will see from your Qigong practice.
Most participants come away with a sense of peace and tranquility that persists beyond the classroom.
Reducing anxiety and increasing peace of mind can be critical to weight loss, because there is an emotional component to overeating and eating less nutritious foods.
As you become more comfortable with managing stress through mindfulness, the urge to manage anxiety through food begins to fade.
Achieving Weight Loss Goals Through Traditional Chinese Medicine
The driving philosophy behind Traditional Chinese Medicine is balance in all things. When your body is overweight, you are missing an essential bit of balance in your life.
Chinese herbs for weight loss can be helpful in jump-starting metabolism, reducing appetite, and melting body fat, but they aren’t the only resource available to you.
Complementary therapies like massage, acupressure, acupuncture, and Qigong will support your weight loss and improve your ability to enjoy whole-body health for a lifetime.
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