Those who practice often notice a boost in both mental and physical health from the combination of deliberate movement, focused breathing, concentrated intent, sound, self-massage, and careful attention to posture.
The COVID-19 pandemic has no regard for international boundaries. In a matter of months, it travelled around the world, sickening millions and killing hundreds of thousands more. The disease is particularly frightening, because humans have no defense against it. Even those with strong immune systems are struggling to fight it off.
While there are more than a hundred vaccine candidates in various stages of development, and physicians around the world are testing potential treatments and cures, to date there is no surefire solution for preventing transmission, managing symptoms, and stopping the novel coronavirus in its tracks. However, some countries with long traditions of natural and holistic medicine are finding success in treating symptoms through the use of remedies that have served them reliably for generations.
In China, for example, practitioners of traditional medicine have several methods of treating the symptoms caused by COVID-19. Lianhua Qingwen is one option that has gotten special attention, and it is being used in a number of Asian nations like Laos and Thailand. In fact, China-based Yiling Pharmaceutical has obtained state approval to market Lianhua Qingwen for the treatment of COVID-19, and Laos soon followed with similar state approvals.
So what does the research show? Does Lianhua Qingwen support novel coronavirus treatment?
Symptoms of Coronavirus
The fact that it is a new disease has made COVID-19 symptoms hard to track. Periodically, governmental health agencies compile data from patients around the world, then update the known indications that an infection caused by the novel coronavirus may be present.
This is the list of symptoms published by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as of June 2020:
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Difficulty breathing
- Shortness of breath
- Runny nose
- Congestion
- Fever
- Chills
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Muscle aches or body aches
- Loss of the sense of taste, sense of smell, or both
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
Patients may experience any or all of these symptoms – and interestingly, some of those with active COVID-19 infections experience no symptoms. Typically, those that do have symptoms begin to notice them within two to fourteen days of exposure to the virus.
Note that many of these symptoms can be mild, and there may not be a need for medical attention. However, emergency medical intervention is necessary for the following:
- On-going chest pain or pressure
- Issues with breathing
- A state of confusion or disorientation
- Trouble staying awake, or an inability to wake
- Blue tint to the lips or face
If you or a loved one is experiencing any of these, contact emergency services right away.
What is Lianhua Qingwen?
The search for an effective COVID-19 therapy is on, and Lianhua Qingwen has become a sought after solution for the hardest-hit populations. This treatment isn’t a single herb. Instead, it is a combination of multiple herbs that are pre-mixed and packaged for the prevention and treatment of flu-like symptoms.
In an effort to better understand how Lianhua Qingwen works, researchers broke down the mixture to its base components. What they found is that Lianhua Qingwen contains 11 herbal ingredients, as well as gypsum and menthol.
The active ingredients are as follows:
- Weeping Forsythia (Forsythia suspensa)
- Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica)
- Chinese Joint-Fir (Ephedra sinica)
- Dyer’s Woad (Isatis indigotica)
- Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin)
- Chinese Rhubarb (Rheum palmatum)
- Chinese Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis)
- Crown Wood Fern (Dryopteris crassirhizoma)
- Bigflower (Rhodiola crenulata)
- Chinese Lizard Tail (Houttuynia cordata)
- Siberian Apricot (Prunus sibirica)
- Gypsum (calcium sulfate dihydrate)
- Menthol
So far, scientists have determined that at least seven of these have proven anti-viral properties. The combination of these ingredients generates 61 compounds that support the immune system and relieve flu-like symptoms.
How Lianhua Qingwen Works
The active ingredients in Lianhua Qingwen have properties directly connected with relief of COVID-19 symptoms. For example, the combination of ingredients has pain relieving, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory effects, which work to reduce fever, relieve head and body aches, and resolve congestion and coughing.
In several studies, researchers noted that patients treated with Lianhua Qingwen experienced milder symptoms for a shorter period than those who did not receive this treatment. One offered the following results from 284 patients – half of whom received Lianhua Qingwen in addition to standard treatment:
- Recovery rate – 91.5 percent with Lianhua Qingwen, 82.4 percent without
- Median time to symptom recovery – seven days with Lianhua Qingwen, 10 days without
- Relief from fever – two days with Lianhua Qingwen, three days without
- Relief from fatigue – three days with Lianhua Qingwen, six days without
- Relief from coughing – seven days with Lianhua Qingwen, 10 days without
Better still, in this study, there were no serious adverse events (side effects) among these patients as a result of their Lianhua Qingwen therapy.
Keep in mind that there is an important distinction to be aware of if you are considering Lianhua Qingwen. This therapy is not a treatment or cure for the novel coronavirus. What it does is treat the symptoms of the COVID-19 disease.
Dosage of Lianhua Qingwen
Yiling Pharmaceutical sells Lianhua Qingwen in boxes that contain 24 0.35g/capsules each. The recommended dosage is four capsules at once, taken three times daily. Note that the company recommends that Lianhua Qingwen be used under a doctor’s supervision for children, women who are pregnant, individuals prone to allergies, those taking other medications, and those with other health conditions.
Where to Buy Lianhua Qingwen
For the moment, Lianhua Qingwen is available from a variety of health and nutrition stores, including those that offer online purchasing options. Unfortunately, due to its popularity, some fraudsters are looking to make a profit at your expense. Be sure to buy from reputable sources, and check packaging to ensure the original manufacturer’s seal is intact. There have been reports of fake or imitation Lianhua Qingwen being sold at high prices to unsuspecting consumers in search of a COVID-19 cure.
The Bottom Line
For the moment, it is unclear why some people experience COVID-19 more severely than others, and no treatments have successfully cured all patients. The best method of managing the novel coronavirus is to avoid exposure. Frequent handwashing, leaving six or more feet of space between people, and wearing face coverings are helpful for staying safe. If you do begin to notice symptoms, check with your local health department for information on testing.
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